Why adaptability is key

Why adaptability is key | Corpedia | BlogBe adaptable. Be, be adaptable. I see cheerleaders with pom-poms cheering us on! Do you see them too?

Think about how we start each day… For most people, every day starts with a certain routine. Get up, brush your teeth, start getting ready for whatever the day holds. Whether this is going to work, or just staying at home. Then… start the day.

The question is this; do you start every day with the mentality that you are ready to handle anything that might happen in the day?

Even more importantly, are we naturally inclined to be adaptable or so to speak born with the characteristic, adaptability?

Adaptability is made up of two defined key elements: 

  • Flexibility represents your attitude toward change. Having the willingness to change.
  • Versatility represents your ability to change.

Looking at this definition, we see that in some way we are in charge and have a part in actually making the decision to be adaptable and change-fit. 

If you are naturally inclined to be a creature of habit and want to change your mindset about change itself, know that you have the power to do so. Training your mind to be change-fit does not happen overnight, but with the right motivation and knowing the benefits, it does come easier to the less flexible among us.

Be satisfied

In order to be happier and more grateful for life itself, being change-fit goes a long way. I have always been a big believer of – If you can do something about it, why worry? If you cannot, why worry – It has been my motto for quite some time now, and out of my own experience I can say that this outlook has helped me stay calm in many challenging situations. 

The key to not feeling insecure in your decision making or inadequate in times of decisiveness is adaptability.

Be a good leader

Think of the leaders that inspire you. Are they old-school thinkers and stuck in their ways or do they excel because of their adaptability to different challenges and people around them?

We know from experience that flexible and versatile people earn the respect of their peers and are oh-so inspiring. 

“When a sudden, unusual event threatens to disrupt normal operations or to harm people or property, a rapid but appropriate response is needed to minimize the adverse effects for the organization. How well a leader handles these immediate crises an indicator of flexible and adaptive leadership.”

Gary Yukl and Rubina Mahsud — Why Flexible and Adaptive Leadership Is Essential

Being Adaptable and flexible to new ideas and concepts help a lot when you have to work with people and being a good example.

Be more valuable to your employer

One of the competitive advantages that organisations have today is the willingness and ability of their workforce to change. In a world that keeps evolving every minute, it is important that staff members are open to fresh ideas and not stuck on the way ‘things have always been done.’

Recover quickly from misfortune

Difficulty and hardship in our lives are inevitable. But if you are adaptable, you will not allow these things to destroy your sense of being grounded. You adapt quickly to your new reality and ensure you let go of the thoughts that keep you back. There is no reason to constantly think about the “what ifs” and the “maybe I should’ve” when you make the choice to be resilient and versatile. 

Being anxious in times of uncertainty is normal, but it is the mentality we possess that will determine the strength we draw from it and the speed with which we recover.

Click here to find out how to be more adaptable.

Business.com – https://www.business.com/articles/how-well-do-you-handle-change-the-benefits-of-being-adaptable/


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