How to be more adaptable

We know that being adaptable or change-fit is key, not only in your career but also for a better quality of life. Being change-fit comes down to being both flexible, having the want to change and also being able to, versatility. 

Being more adaptable means that you will embrace change a lot quicker than the average person. You will by default be a better leader and example to the people around you, whether it’s friends or family. No doubt about the fact that you will always be relevant because you will not be scared to try new ways of doing what needs to get done. 

So how do we practice this skill if it does not come naturally to us? 

Keep an eye out for the sun after the storm

Looking for the positives in difficult situation or challenges when they don’t go as expected can be quite difficult, but is extremely necessary. Start by making a list of things you learn from situations like these. Look at the different scenarios, what could have been done, what was done. Doing this regularly will help you be more optimistic when things go south, and you will find it easier to stay on track or make the necessary changes when the situation calls for it. 

Learn from your peers

Look at the people in your life, people you work with… Is there anyone that stands out to you, that you can sincerely say are easy to adapt to whatever the situation calls for? Take note of these people who exhibit the adaptability skills you want to learn and ask them directly for tips and suggestions.

I have a few mentors that I look to for guidance, and in situations that call for resilience, I ask myself what I think they would do.

Ask and ask again

We should have inspiring mentors and innovative colleagues that motivate and encourage us. It has always been said that the road to success is a lonely one, but as times change, I could not disagree more. No one achieves success alone, and it is extremely important that we make use of the vast networks available to us. Whether in person or making use of social platforms, asking questions and debating them makes way to brilliant ideas being generated. We don’t always have to do things the way it has always been done, let’s challenge the constitution to make what used to be great, phenomenal!

Be okay with not being perfect 😊

No one is perfect. And don’t you forget it! It’s human nature to make mistakes. How else are we supposed to learn? What matters most is what you do once the mistake has been realized, and how you handle it is how you improve your skill to be adaptable. And when you learn from it, be one of those people that others can ask guidance from. 

Being adaptable or change-fit is probably one of the most important things we can teach ourselves. It does not only lead to better career paths but also be a better more fulfilled life. 

It might be seen as a soft skill but is much needed in the hard world we live in today.

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